Dismissal Procedures
· Students being picked up will be assigned a number, by family. The parent will receive 2 signs to hang in vehicles to expedite the pickup process.
· Parents walking children home are asked to wait outside under the awning by the Library until students are dismissed. Walkers will be dismissed out the front doors at 2:35.
· Bus riders will be dismissed to the south hall at 2:30
· First through sixth grade car riders will be dismissed from the southwest door by the Library after 2:35. Parents are asked to remain in the car or outside while waiting for their child to be dismissed.
· School Personnel will be at the drive through line with a walkie-talkie to call student numbers for departure.
· Immediately load your car to keep the line moving.
· Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be dismissed from the EAST entrance to the NEW Early Childhood Addition beginning at 2:25. Parents are asked to remain in the car while waiting for their child to be dismissed.
· Autism students will be dismissed at 2:30 from the SOUTH entrance by the gym (side parking lot). Parents are asked to remain in the car or outside while waiting for their child to be dismissed.
· If you need to come in for some reason, park your car in a parking space, NOT THE DRIVE THROUGH LINE, and enter the building.
· Any new person picking up a child must come to the office and present photo identification AND be on the parent’s pickup list. If they are not on the list the child will NOT be released until parent verification is attained.
· The front doors will not be opened for early dismissal after 2:15. This is to cut down on the traffic in the hallway and verify who children are leaving the building with.