Getting to School
Bus Routes
We provide bus transportation for:
- Non-transfer elementary students living 1.5 miles or more from their school; and
- Non-transfer middle school or high school students living 2 miles or more from their school.
Buses may arrive up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. Students should remain at the stop up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. If students wait longer than 15 minutes, call 918-833-8100.
Find your bus route
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Learn about SAFESTOP
Parents have enough to worry about. SafeStop puts key information at the fingertips of Tulsa Public Schools parents and families, so you won’t spend time or energy wondering, “Where’s the bus?”
Security is priority one, especially where student information is concerned. All parent information is password protected within the app to prevent unauthorized people from accessing any student bus information.
- View a real-time, map-based bus locator
- Guarantee parent and student information privacy
- Create custom zones for each stop and school
- Receive email alerts and push notifications
- Available on smartphones and tablets
- Download the SafeStop app from the App Store or Google Play.
- Enter the school access code. (5C001)
- Enter your child’s unique Student ID.
- Select the bus or route name based on school communications preference you wish to track.
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points.
You’re all set! You will be able to track the movement of the bus during active route times and receive notifications when the bus enters your custom alert zone(s).
If you have any questions or need assistance, call our customer service center at (918)833-8100.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
To create a safe and orderly situation when delivering students or picking them up after school we ask for parental cooperation. Please drive very slowly. There is limited parking in the front parking lot. Do not park your car and leave it in the drive through lane. Parents, please continue to remind your children of safety procedures such as looking both ways before entering a street or parking area and not walking between cars. School Staff will be available to assist students when crossing the parking lot. Tulsa Police and Tulsa Campus Police have informed the school that they will ticket drivers who unload students into the roadway as this is endangering to the safety of the child.
Early Arrival:
To allow students to begin their school day on time, they may enter the school at 7:20a.m. For the safety of our students, we ask that parents not send or bring their child to school until 7:20 a.m. There will be no adult supervision until 7:20 a.m. All students will enter through the front doors and proceed to the classroom.
Late Arrival:
Students are expected to be in the classroom by 7:30 a.m. Children arriving after this time are tardy. Please work with your child to see that he/she arrives on time. Rise and Shine and other morning activities are equally important and considered a part of your child’s school day and therefore attendance is required. Late arrivals will require adult accompaniment into the building to be counted present. The adult dropping off the tardy student is required to come to the office and sign the child into school on the Ident-A-Kid computer or on a Log Sheet.
Morning Drop-off:
- Breakfast Line: Only students eating breakfast will be able to come in at 7:05am otherwise they will need to wait under the awning by the front doors till 7:20am.
- Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be dropped off at the EAST entrance to the Early Childhood Addition (behind the Cafeteria) beginning at 7:20.
- Bus students and car drop off other than PK and K will enter through the front drive through line.
Dismissal Procedures
After School Pick-Up:
The procedures for after school pickup are as follows:
- Students being picked up will be given 2 signs to hang in vehicles to expedite the pickup process.
- Parents walking children home are asked to wait outside under the awning by the Library until students are dismissed.
- Students walking from the school grounds will be dismissed out the front doors at 2:35.
- Bus riders will remain with their class until called to the bus line.
- First through fifth grade car riders will be dismissed from the southwest door by the Library after 2:35. Parents are asked to remain in the car while waiting for their child to be dismissed.
- School Personnel will be at the drive through line with a walkie-talkie to call student names or #’s for departure.
- Immediately load your car to keep the line moving.
- Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be dismissed from the EAST entrance to the Early Childhood Addition (behind the Cafeteria) beginning at 2:25. Parents are asked to remain in the car while waiting for their child to be dismissed. If walking up, go to the gate and form a line by the fence.
- If you need to come in for some reason, park your car in a parking space, NOT THE DRIVE THROUGH LINE, and enter the building.
- Any new person picking up a child must come to the office and present photo identification AND be on the parent’s pickup list. If they are not on the list the child will NOT be released until parent verification is attained.
- The front doors will not be opened for early dismissal after 2:00. This is to cut down on the traffic, exposure for students in the hallway and verify who children are leaving the building with.
Early Dismissal:
Children may not leave school property after arrival unless signed out through the office. For your child’s protection, we ask that a parent come to the office to have a child dismissed before the end of the school day. Students will not be released for early pickup after 2:00 pm. Your child will be called to the office for early dismissal. A form of picture identification is required for picking up students. Children will only be released to those designated on the pickup list submitted at enrollment. Changes to this list must be completed in person by the parent/guardian.
Should it be necessary for a child to miss school for any reason, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the office (918-746-9140) by 8:30 a.m. with the child’s name, grade, and reason for the absence. When the school is not notified, the absence is considered an unexcused absence. We use an automated phone calling system that will call the home of each student that is absent, if the school hasn’t received a call from you by 8:30 a.m. As few as two absences in a month will cause your student to be designated as chronically absent. These absences affect the school but more importantly affects your child. We can not teach them if they are not here! Being chronically absent throughout the school year may result in your child repeating the grade level. Again, we can not teach them if they are not in school. We also work with the District Attorney’s Office on attendance issues. Parents, please submit a doctor’s note for any absence you wish to be excused. Also, with the early dismissal time it is expected that routine doctor visits be made at the end of the school day rather than causing an absence from school.
Opening Bell | 7:30 a.m. |
Dismissal Bell | PreK–Kindergarten: 2:25 p.m. 1st–5th Grade: 2:35 |
Who do I call if my child has not returned home from school on time?
- First call your child’s school
- If you do not get an answer, call transportation at 918-833-8100
- Note: buses may run 10-minutes after the posted stop time
Who do talk to about transportation for students with special needs?
- Call our special needs transportation representative at 918-833-8148 or
- Note: There is a 3-5 day processing window for all new applications